Friday, July 11, 2008

vacker weather!!!

The first day we went to Ystad's Medieval Fair! It was held at a castle from the 1500s!!! how perfect! The sun was shining and the air had a little cool breeze... perfect first day!

Isabelle & her Pappa at the Fair!

us girls at the castle

coffee break!

can you seriously believe this weather!!!

Medieval Fair fun!

on her FIRST PONY RIDE!!! at the Medieval Fair

Isabelle and her Auntie Malin (God-Mother)

in the rose garden by the Monk church. So many beautiful roses with such unbelievable scents! I think I felt dizzy afterwards I smelled so many!

took this one for your Daddy! I remember you loving these flowers while here...

one of my favorite shops tucked away. Lots of handmade pottery, and iron pieces and wool. it's so nice

this one's for Uma & Umpa... Isabelle enjoying an ice cream treat... we went to your favorite ice cream place and had one for you both... miss you!

a really cool old courtyard in town. You see these a lot... well if you explore. There will be a little opening in a wall of homes or shops and if you just peek your head in you will find hidden spots like this...

Isabelle and her Great Grandmother Ebon in the garden

eating our grilled salmon with Isabelle's Great Grandparents...

I can't even tell you how wonderful the weather has been! I really should knock on wood or cross my toes... it's very lucky to have a beautiful Swedish Summer!

It's been very relaxing. I have had the chance to have my feet up and my eyes shut facing the beautiful sun. I have promised myself to do this more often than just on vacation. Just sitting in the garden listening to the birds singing is so lovely! It doesn't really get dark here in the summer time so you forget what time it is.... then you see it's midnight! yikes!

Today we walked into the town square. It was really sweet of course. The farmers had their vegetables and fruits on display. The little kids where squeezing in and out of groups of grown ups and little dogs where seeing what the town had to offer. a sunny Friday in Sweden is quite obvious especially at lunch time. Most Swedes take their vacation in the summertime so the streets are full of sunburned blondes. Bicycles are locked to trees and drops of ice cream cones trail from store to store.

In the evening we eat every dinner outside in the sun porch. You can hear all the neighbors having the same idea. We grilled salmon tonight and had Mattias' grandparents over. It was so delicious. It was stuffed with fresh herbs from the garden and a little salt and pepper. We had a great salad with it using fresh arugula and greens.... so yummy and spicy. The greens were so tasty that all we needed was some olive oil. and now I have to hit the sack.... all this crazy sun gets me tired.


Anonymous said...

Hola, como va?, espero q bien, bueno, esta muy bueno este blog, me gusto, si tenes tiempo pasate por el mio, saludos!!


Anonymous said...

I did not see one picture of Isabelle looking sad because she misses her Uma and Goompa. We are a little green with envy because we had such a great time last year. Hope you 3.5(get it?) have a good time next week at Pipi Land!
Love, Uma & Goompa xxooxx

Anonymous said...

Hey Kollene! I was looking at your Blonde Cow site and admiring the BEAUTIFUL photos you've taken and saw the link to this. Congrats on the second baby! How exciting! I am so happy for you and so proud on the progress of your business. It looks like you all are really enjoying yourself in Sweden...I can't believe how gorgeous it is over there :) Give Belle a hug for me. Hope to see you when you get back.