Wednesday, July 16, 2008


some nice wild flower with a bumblie bee

hiking along we go...

here's our mountain girl Isabelle!... after her first real mountain hike!!!

a mountain "bluebelle" very sweet flower

berry break...

Belle & Malin resting and enjoying the view

this is my belly at 18 weeks... WOW! much larger than last time as I recall.... :-)
How beautiful was the day today! We (me, Mattias, Belle, and Auntie Malin) went out to find a cave.... through many trails, and trails less traveled we came across more things than we planned. All & All no cave ... but lots of pretty things! I love a good hike through a forest. Makes me feel like it's a magical world we live in with fairies, trolls, forest animals and berries for the bears. I love how powerful you feel after hiking so high that all you hear is the tops of the trees rustling. Even with my growing belly I felt great after this hike! Our little girl Isabelle explored and enjoyed riding on backs, sits with her God-Mother, and plucking every raspberry and smoltron she could see! She looked for fairies and called the sticks ssssssssssnakes! It was quite a fun day and now my arms can barely lift my cup of coffee.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a difference 10 days makes. Nice belly! I think that Harmony knows what she was talking about! It looks like that baby did double in size! Isabelle, it looks like you are having a fun time in Sweden. Uma and Goompa miss you a lot!
love, U & G